So The Countdown Begins…

Here in Granada we have begun the countdown to Christmas. At least, us English students have. We can’t wait to be back in England with our families and just not be Spanish for five minutes and not have to deal with the Spanish problems (dodgy internet, I’m looking at you). Though it did rain last night, which made it feel a little closer to an English winter. However, the truth is there is just a distinct lack of Christmas spirit here. Correct me if I’m wrong, but at home the Christmas lights are on and Christmas music is beginning to appear here and there?

Well, the lights are up here but there’s a bit of a debate amongst the students about when they’ll be turned on… I’m thinking it should be now, please, and we wouldn’t mind a Christmas tree dotted about or a spot of festive music.

Ah well, in three weeks I’ll be home for Christmas, snuggled up on the sofa with Mummy watching The Holiday, just how I like it.

No Jude Law, you’re lovely.

I just have to get through two pieces of coursework and an exam in Spanish first. The first piece is just about completed. What was intended to be a five page analysis of publicity ended up as twelve pages of Spanish drivel… I’m so looking forward to my Spanish friends tearing my grammar apart when I ask them to check it for me!

Oh and there’s the plans to bob up to Salamanca for what is apparently the best party of the year. Keep your fingers crossed for me…

I was so lucky last weekend to have my lovely, wonderful best friend Rebecca come and visit me. I know she’s been waiting desperately for a feature in my blog, so darling Rebecca, here you are.

Oh look and here you are again. There, that’s you and me…

It was so good to just not do anything but spend time with each other. We went shopping, we went to the Arabic Baths and we ate (a lot) but more than anything we just caught up and cherished being with each other. I don’t know about Rebecca, but all I wanted to do was see my best friend, have cuddles and spend our time together the way we always do… watching TV in bed (which we did).

We didn’t need to be tourists, see the Alhambra or be active all day every day. We just needed to be together. And I’m so eternally grateful for her for coming out to visit me and I love you so, so much. Another three week countdown until we’re reunited again and you promised to take me for sushi!!

Apologies everyone else, but here’s a little gallery of gifs for you B, of you and me, to show how much I love you.

In other news, my blog would not be complete without another tale of another Erasmus party. On Friday night I went to Soraya’s for a ‘fiesta’, not realising that it would become a full-blown Erasmus carnival. We had been planning to go out afterwards, but when 4am hit and we hadn’t left yet, my feet were sticking to the floor and Soraya was on FaceTime/in bed, I thought it was time to call it a night.

I could probably name about twenty people I knew at that party, but the flat was rammed from wall-to-wall. It was impossible to move for people squished together, there was a pungent smell of smoke and alcohol in the air, and the floor was so slippery and sticky at the same time, that of course I managed to fall down the stairs as I left. Nobody laugh now.

A special mention has to go to the one and only Martin Carroll, smooth criminal, to whom I promised a dedication. Sorry, I couldn’t gather enough material for a full blog post.

Martin Carroll. Not Ryan Reynolds. I swear.

Martin Carroll. Not Ryan Reynolds. I swear.

For those of you who don’t know Martin, he’s not a man of many words. As Soraya pointed out, he speaks when he needs to and not if he doesn’t. Unlike Soraya who is happy to keep talking even if no-one is listening. Actually, that’s just like me as well. I suppose that’s why I have this blog as well, because it just lets me ramble on and on, even if no-one’s reading.

Anyway, back to Martin. Some may say this no talking thing is an awkward trait. Some. But no, in fact, reports confirm this is simply another way of showing just how smooth Martin Carroll really is. From his dance moves to his reputation with the ladies, he is the smoothest criminal I know.

And I really do have to thank him for protecting me and my white top from a possible nightmare spillage situation.

This brings me to the end of another blog post, as always featuring food and fiesta. Hopefully I’ll be back again soon with another update, but since we’re nearing the festive season, I think it’s safe to post a gif dedicated to one of the best Christmas movies of all time, (definitely in the top ten).


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